
Catholic Church

Catholic church is the only monument of the Catholic provenance in the territory of middle Polimlje. It was built at the end of the 19th century, on a big rock situated on the left side of the Lim river, close to the former Austro – Hungarian military barracks. It was used as a chapel for …

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Jusufagic’s Family House

Jusufagic’ s house represents a typical beys house in these areas. It was built on a hill surrounded with a big and spacious garden. The ground floor was built of stone while the first floor was constructed in a wooden framed skeleton system with stone – mortar filling. The ground floor served for winter accommodation …

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Monument to December 4th

Monument to December 4th is cultural monument of great importance. One of the most significant battles during the Second World War between the German army and partisan forces within these territories took place in Prijepolje on the 4th of December 1943. In the stone building of the former Austro – Hungarian hospital there were about …

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Rushdia – Museum – Today’s Museum; the structure was built in the period from 1839 to 1845. It was built for the needs of Rushdia – a lower three – year secondary school for studying both religious and secular subjects. This first secondary school started work in 1914. The building itself has been adapted for …

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Hisardzik Mosque

From the travels of Evlija Celebija we can learn that some time ago there was a mosque at this place. Today’ s mosque in Hisardzik represents a sacral structure of recent date. It is situated below the fortified town of Mileševac in its suburb next to the necropolis where some older marks can be noticed. …

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Ibrahim-pasha’s Mosque

Ibrahim-pasha’ s Mosque is the oldest mosque in Prijepolje. For the first time it was mentioned in travels of Evlija Celebija. Ibrahim-pasha the son of Herzegovina sub – pasha had it built in the 16th century. In the corner of the mosque there is a built- in sundial ” eltifa ” positioned in the direction …

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Clock Tower

The precise time of construction is not known but considering the fact that E. Celebija mentions it, it might have been erected even before the 15th century. Its age, appearance and unusual structure represent an undeniable architectural and monumental value. During the reconstruction of Town Square in Vakuf, the Clock tower was moved to a …

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Davidovica Monastery

Raised in 1281 as a foundation of David the Monk, son of Vukan and grandson of Nemanja; This church is devoted to Epiphany and the Contract being kept in the Dubrovnik Archive bears witness to its construction. Desin de Risa and his son Vlaho were the builders of the church. Its interior was painted in …

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Mileševa monastery

Prince Vladislav, the second son of King Stephan First – crowned and grandson of Stephan Nemanja had Mileševa monastery built in 1219. The monastery was dedicated to the resurrection. It was depicted in the third decade of 13th century, before the founder was crowned king in 1234. Mileševa was the second ranked among all Serbian …

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The district of Prijepolje is situated in the southwest part of Serbia in the territory of middle Polimlje ( mid basin of the river Lim ). Average height above sea level is 1200 m which indicates that it has the characteristics of a mountain area. The highest peak is Jadovnik ( Katunić, 1,734 m ) …

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