Nova Varoš

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  • Municipality: Nova Varoš
  • Postal code: 31320
  • Area code: ( +381 ) 33

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Nova Varoš ( 953 meters above the sea level ) , is situated in the southwestern part of Serbia, to the very south of Zlatibor district.

It is an area of 584,41 square km. It is a town of 10, 335 inhabitants.

The road Belgrade – Montenegrinan Adriatic coast passes through Nova Varoš. There are asphalt roads linking Nova Varoš with neighbouring municipalities: Prijepolje, Priboj, Sjenica, Arilje, Čajetina and Užice.


In the prehistoric times Autariats, Skordiscs and Thracian tribes used to live in this region. During Octavjin Augustus’ s reign, the region of Nova Varoš fell under power of the Roman Empire when the process of Romanization, which was never completely carried out, started.

In the later period this district belonged to Byzantium, after that to the Serbian medieval state of Raška. Before the founding of Serbian autocephalous church the district of Nova Varoš, from the aspect of the church point of view, was within the jurisdiction of the Raška diocese with a seat in Saints Peter and Paul’ s Church near today’ s town of Novi Pazar. Medieval data on Nova Varoš region are fragmentary and there are only a few known facts. However, it has to be emphasized that medieval caravans were passing through Nova Varoš district and the remains of several fortresses with signs indicating that they originate from the Middle Ages have been preserved till the present. These fortresses are Klak in Rutoshi, Oshtrik in the village of Chelice, Ostrvica on the Kitonja hill and Sokolac in Akmachici.

When powerful Turkish troops conquered the districts of Brankovici in 1455, this territory fell into Turkish power too. Nova Varoš i.e. Varoš of Iskender Pasha was for the first time mentioned in a real estate registry dating from 1516. Under the name Nova Varoš it was mentioned in 1528/30. In the same year it also appeared under the names of Selce and Iskender Pasha’ s town. These names also appeared later on throughout the 16th and 17th century. Nova Varoš has been founded by Bosnian Sandzak – bey Iskender ( Skender ). Since it was not mentioned in the 1489 Cadastre, land register, of Bosnian Sandzak, it was probably founded between 1490 and 1505. Thanks to the Turkish kanun – nami, a document from 1516, we know that the reason for the foundating of Nova Varoš was due to the roads in that district. There were soldiers who settled here to provide protection and provide compensation, within their jurisdiction, for those who got killed or suffered the loss of their property.

All through the 16th century the Christian population was prevalent in Nova Varoš up to the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century when due to Islamization the religious structure significantly changed in favor of the Muslims behalf but only ” within the bazaar of Nova Varoš “.

Since 1804 and the beginning of the First Serbian Uprising, inhabitants of this region survived one more century with numerous difficult battles, victories and defeats until November 1912 when, finally through the Balkan wars, they were liberated from Turkish power. The famous Raonica Rebellion that was considerably intensified in the region of Nova Varoš from 1903 to 1905, brought eminent leaders such as Petronije Mandic from Radojina, Novak Boricic from Stitkovo and Damjan Saponjic from Sipovik. After the period of Turkish rule Nova Varoš became a part of the Kingdom of Serbia.

Destructions caused during the First and Second World War resulted in numerous consequences for this region. Until the middle of the 20th century the population of Nova Varoš was mainly occupied with agriculture, handicrafts and rarely trade. At that time the first industrial enterprises started to work and contribute to the development of this region.

Today these enormous areas of forest with their flora and potentials for wood processing are of great potential and importance.
Picturesque hillsides of Zlatibor, Zlatar and other mountains in the vicinity of Nova Varoš are recognizable fortheir aromatic and medicinal herbs, forest fruits and wild animals while its distance from all pollution sources makes this area an interesting and attractive place.

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