Village Kušići

After twenty – five kilometers drive along the asphalt road on the route Ivanjica – Sjenica you reach village Kušići located on the slopes of historically notable Mountain Javor at the altitude of 990m. Its outstanding bioshphere, the overlapping winds which make the air perfectly clean and ions – charged, pine woods, as well as …

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Village Katići

The village Katići is located 22 km away from Ivanjica at the ideal altitude of 1000 m. The vicinity of Mountain Mučanj ( 1534 m above sea level ) , Church Bela Crkva and springs called Savine Vode ( widely believed to have healing properties ) and other spots make this village very attractive for …

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Spa Kanjiža

The Kanjiža spa expects its dear guests with numerous offers for healing and recreation. We offer you : in – patient and outpatient rehabilitation and treatment, a preventive program against osteoporosis, with measurement of bone density ( diagnostics and treatment ) , hotel and restaurant services in two hotels – Aquamarin and Abella, sport and …

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Villa ” Raj “

Villa ” Raj “ is located only 800 meters away from the centre of the city, surrounded by the beautiful forest ” Raj ” , and behind the ” Raj ” stadium of football. This great building offers 40 beds in rooms and suites, climatized restaurant which is in possession of 80 seat places; further …

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Vrnjačka Spa

Vrnjačka Spa is located in the central part of Serbia, about 200 km south of Belgrade, with the altitude of’ between 220 and 300 meters high. From south, east and west it is covered over by the mountain Goč with its ski paths which are only 14 km away from the city of Vrnjačka Spa. …

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Euroregion’ s Stara Planina

Euroregion Stara Planina unites seven Bulgarian municipalities: Godech, Berkovitsa, Vurshec, George Damyanovo, Chiprovci, Chuprene, Belogradchik and four Serbian municipalities: Dimitrovgrad, Pirot, Knjaževac and Zaječar. The Euroregion is established on June 20. 2006 on the basis of agreement between both sites of the border. The Regional Association for Tourism Development ” North – western Balkan ” …

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Horgoš and Palić vineyards

Almost all region of Subotica Horgoš sandy desert is suitable for growing grapevine. The terrain is mainly flat or undulating, with the dominance of sandy soil. The drivers of the viticulture and wine production development in the previous century were the wine cellars in Palić and Čoka, but also new рroducers have emerged.   The …

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Wines from region of Banat

The region of Banat ( South Banat subregion with three vineyards: Vršac, Bela crkva and Deliblato and North Banat subregion with two vineyards: Kikinda and Banat – Potisje ) . One of famous wines from Banat region is Krokan. There is a story about the origin of grapevine and wine:   ” It was a …

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Cakes of all types

Numerous cakes originally from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia or any other place found their place at dessert tables in Vojvodina. Housewives used to frequently make choice between different cakes: doboš, saher, Vasina, lincer, pusla, pišinger or srneća ledja. Exciting stories come along with most of them.   Joseph Doboš ( 1847 – 1924 ) was …

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Cakes, Cookies and Pastry

From the time immemorial various cakes, cookies and pastries have been made in Vojvodina, among which the most famous are štrudel / štrudla, gibanica, krofne, rezanci with poppy seed, gomboce, tašci with jam, kuglof, milhbrot, koh, etc. Pastry is prepared from white wheat flour. Its making has a long tradition especially for various occasions in both …

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Hunters’ Specialties

It may be said that hunters’ specialties are not as widespread today as they used to be in the period when hunting was a prestigious quality and when the hunting activities were held at aristocracy estates. However, some dishes have been preserved similarly to the best trophies. Large game was highly respected, owing to their beauty …

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Main Dish

Pork meat is the main dish in Vojvodina for everyday meals. It is served braised, roasted or stewed. For holiday festivities it is mainly prepared on the roasting spit. Other types of meat served in Vojvodina ; are chicken, goose, duck and poultry, beef, lamb and mutton. On Sundays, the most frequent dish on the …

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The word is of German origin ( Rindfleisch ) which means beef. It is the meat boiled for preparing soup, taken out, left to cool a little and eaten with either horseradish sauce or custard. In Vojvodina the meaning was broadened to any  meat from soup, boiled potatoes and sauce, most frequently tomato sauce, but …

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Soups and broths

The term was originally adopted from German and the dish as well. One of distinguished soups in Vojvodina is the soup made on Sunday, prepared from various meat types: domestic guinea fowl, chicken, beef, veal, duck, goose, turkey, pheasant, cock and pigeon. Domestic noodles are added to soups, such as: knedle, fiekice, derviš and tarana. …

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Pasta is favourite food in all parts of Vojvodina ( Bačka, Srem i Banat ) . Numerous pasta forms in cuisine of Vojvodina originate from either German of Slovak cuisine. Basically there are two types of dough, for immediate and for later use. For later use there are various types of noodes ( trganci, tarana, rezanci, …

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In Europe appetizers have been served for centuries. Their origin has not been discovered yet, but it is known that the Romans used to start their feasts by nibbling celery lettuce and other vegetables. It has been assumed that also in old Greece serving appetizers was customary. Later, the other nations adopted appetizers, enhancing and …

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History of Vojvodinian cuisine

There are written records on food preparation that date back to the end of the 18th century in Vojvodina, when Zaharije Orfelin published his first cook book in Sremski Karovci. The recipies for The First Serbian Соok Bоок were collected by Jeromonk Jerotej Draganović and the book itself was printed in Krušedol, on the Feast of Saint …

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