Uspenje Monastery

Uspenje Monastery was erected above Jovanje Monastery and can be seen from all sides of the gorge. The first mention of it was in Turkish records in 1536.
When Vuk Karadžić visited the monastery in 1820 he wrote down about the remans of a round tower located on a raised land and the tradition relating to this strucure: ” Several monasteries on the hill have the walls of a kind of tower, which is now called Gradina, and it is said that Jovanje Monastery used to be a laura, from where other monasteries around Mounts Ovčar and Kablar received orders and judgements, and used to have a bell on the tower and a copying room uder the bell – tower ( where books were written ) and a ceiling under the copying room “.

The church of Uspenje Monastery has a small number of narrow rectangular windows, with no decorations.The church has never been fresco – painted.

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