The Devil’ s Town – Nominated For Natural World’s Phenomen

The Devil' s TownThe ” Devil’ s Town “ , the natural monument, is situated in the south of Serbia, 27 km south – east from Kuršumlija. This natural monument embrace two rare world’s phenomena: soil figures as specific relief forms rendering an attractive sight, and two wells of strong acidic waters with high mineralization.

The terrain around the figures adds to the attraction of these phenomena rendering a rather severe, almost mystical impression, while, on the other hand, the surrounding ambiance is timid and picturesque, with remains of an ancient temple and a few mining pits jftn medieval times.

The soil figures ( 202 ) , of different shapes and sizes, from 2 m to 15 m of height, and from 0.5 m to in width, with their stone caps, have resulted from centuries long specific effects of erosion which has made them grow, change, shorten, disappear and reappear.
This geo – morphological phenomenon is a unique occurrence in our country and very rare in the world. There are similar occurrences in Europe, but the Devils’ Town towers are much larger and much more stable, which makes them one of the most renowned natural monuments of the kind in Europe. The much better known is the ” Gods’ Garden ” in the USA.

In 1977, the first International Colony of Art Photographs in our country was established here and has been going on since. Owing to this colony, the Devils’ Town has become known in Europe, and as far as America, Australia, China and Japan.

This worthy locality has been put under protection of the state as early as 1959, while in 1995, by the Decision of the Serbian Government, it was declared the natural wealth of outstanding importance, giving it the first – category level of protection over the territory of 67 hectares.

Devils’ Town, as an unusual natural phenomenon, has influenced people’s imagination, so that many legends nave been created regarding its origin. According to one, the figures represent the petrified wedding guests who, at devils’ urging, tried to marry a brother and sister, so the God petrified them to prevent this incest. The other legend says that these are the devils turned into stones by the people who had been forced to carry them on their backs, suffering misfortunes, and who, trying to get rid of them, spent a night at the Devil’ s Town site.

Within the protected area, there are two mineral water wells of extraordinary properties. The ” Devils’ Town “ well is a cold and extremely acidic spring ( pH 1. 5 ) of high mineralization ( 15 g/ lit of water ) , springing out in the Devils’ Ravine. The “ Red Well “ is the second spring located by the hiking track in the centre of the protected area, with its waters of pH 3. 5 and somewhat lower general mineralization ( 4. 372 mg/ lit of water ) .

Waters of this kind are very rare in the world. Local population believes in the healing capacity of the ” Devils’ Water ” spring, while doctors and geologists still don’ t recommend these waters as they have not been thoroughly examined so far.

The soil figures, the extremely acidic waters, as well as the remains of an ancient church and mines, and the surrounding ambiance, all represent an outstanding tourist attractions that have been attracting each year more and more tourists of all kinds, scientific experts, nature lovers and others.

Visits to the Devils’ Town are organized by Recreation Departments in Kuršumlijska, Prolom and Lukovska Spa’ s and by the Tourist Organization of Kuršumlija.

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