
Serbia-place to refresh your life

Facts and figures Area : 88, 361 square kilometers Population : 10 milion ( Approximately ) Capital : Belgrade ( Beograd ) Language : The official language is Serbian ; official alphabets are Cyrilic and Latin Religion : The main religion in Serbia is Christian Ortodox. Other religious communities include islamic, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and …

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Fortress of Niš

At the Nišava river bank, on the remains of the roman military camp, the roman town called Naissus, and finally on the remains of Byzantium and medieval destroyed fortification, the Turks build strong fortress at the beginning of 18th century. The building of this fortress lasted from 1719 to 1723. it was build with local …

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The Devil’ s Town – Nominated For Natural World’s Phenomen

The ” Devil’ s Town “ , the natural monument, is situated in the south of Serbia, 27 km south – east from Kuršumlija. This natural monument embrace two rare world’s phenomena: soil figures as specific relief forms rendering an attractive sight, and two wells of strong acidic waters with high mineralization. The terrain around …

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Memorial Kadinjača

Among other monuments around Užice, one in particular is worth seeing – Memorial on Kadinjača ( 14 km towards west from Užice ). The memorial is dedicated to the troops of Workers Battalion from Užice, the Posavec and the Orasans, who scarified their lives on 29th November 1941. by protecting the retreat of the main …

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The Smederevo Fortress

By order of Despot Ðurad Branković began in 1428, at the mouth of the rivers Jezava and Danube, at the very north of the country, the building of the Smederevo fortress, which became the seat of Serbian secular and clerical authorities of the time. Enormous quantities of stone necessary for the construction were dragged from …

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Kopaonik – The most beautiful mountain in southeastern Europe

Kopaonik, the largest mountain in Serbia, is one of the places that during the year provides ideal conditions for active relaxation and enjoyment. Kopaonik is our largest and most famous mountain, tourist and ski resort. Due to its natural values, 1981 year, was proclaimed for the national park. Thanks to rarefied air with reduced partial …

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Monastery Black River

Monastery Black River is located on the slopes of Mokra Gora. Church was dedicated to St. Archangel Mihail. It is not known the exact year, not even the century, when the monastery Black River was built. Some scientists considered that it was built on the beginning of XIII century, seconds thinks that was built in …

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Monastery Sopoćani – UNESCO World Heritage Site

Monastery Sopoćani was built between 1263. and 1268 year. Of some larger complex, which was done with more buildings, today is preserved.church St. Trinity. According to architectural concept the church belongs to the classical solutions Raška architectural school. It was constructed with elements that indicate the way of building Romance. In the interior of the …

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The Pilars of George

The Pilars of George  monastery was founded by Stefan Nemanja. The main object monastery, the church of George, was built in 1170 – 1171. year. The remains of the existing monastery buildings are (next to church) cistern with well, dining room on the south side and most of the big wall. Other structures do not …

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Monastery Studenica – UNESCO World Heritage Site

Monastery Studenica was established between 1183. and 1196 year by Stefan Nemanja shortly after his abdication. Church is the most beautiful building in Serbian medieval architecture.   Studenica was listed in the UNESCO heritage list 1986 year as monument of universal and cultural – historical and artificial value . . .

Maglič – medieval fortress

It is not known who and when was built Maglič.  It was probably built in the XIII century. The town has certain significance in the cinflicts betwen the king Milutin and his brother Dragutin during the Viennese war ( 1683 – 1699) and the Second serbian uprising …

Veliko Gradište

The Municipality of Veliko Gradište is situated in the north – eastern part of Serbia and belongs to Podunavski  region ( Braničevo country ).It streches over 344 square kilometres includes 25 villages and 28,000 inhabitants. The town itself numbers the population of 6, 000 people, and it is the administrative, industrial and cultural centre. Veliko …

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Bečej-heart of Vojvodina

BEČEJ  is a town in the heart of the province of Vojvodina, situated in the middle of the course of the river Tisa on her way through Serbia,on its right bank in Bačka. Bečej is also the centre of the municipality which includes Bačko Petrovo selo, Bačko Gradište, Rasdičević and Mileševo. Here,in this municipality, citizens …

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Monastery Gornjak

Gornjak monastery is located in Gornjacka gorge, between Žagubica and Petrovac Na Mlavi. Construction of the monastery was finished in 1380, and the founder was king Lazar. Since the monastery was built, the monastic life went on uninterrupted up to this day. The oldest preserved structures are a church dedicated to Ascension and the small …

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Petrovac na Mlavi

Community Petrovac na Mlavi is located in Eastern Serbia, in county Branicevo.His spread 654.9 km2.By the census in this community lives 45 706 inhabitants ( Serbian and Vlahian origin ) . City Petrovac as the center of community, has 8 772 inhabitant. Relief is presented with hills and plains. Climate is moderate continental. Hidrography is …

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