Greek Catholich Temple

Saint Archangel Michael – Greek Catholich temple in Gospodjinci Today’ s parochial Saint Archangel Michael’ s temple is built in 1970. while priest Julijan Hornjak – Kuhara was in charge of parish. The Parochial home was built based on parish priest Joakim Holosnjaj’ s iniciative in 2000.   The most important cultural item is ” …

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The birth of Holy Mary

The birth of Holy Mary – Greek Catholic temple in Djurdjevo The building of The birth of Holy Mary – Greek Catholic temple began in spring 1900. And was consecrated on Saint Michael’ s Day the same year. The icons were made in Slovakia. The painting of interior was done in 1914. by A. Hodovanji, …

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The Church of Holy Asension

The Church of HolyAsension in Čurug. During the Hungarian revolution in 1848, the old temple was ruined and the big preparations for building a new church have started in 1854. In 1856. the license was approved and people from Čurug made contest regarding project for the new church. The project of army engineer Jozef Kraft …

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The Church of Holy Ascension

The Church of Holy Ascension in Djurdjevo. Iconostasis was painted by Pavle Simić in 1851. The throne of Saint Mary and Arhijerevski throne were saved.  The municipality of the church gave over the old iconostasis of Pavle Simić to Simeon Djaković, hieromonk of monastery Zitomislic in 1810. The iconostasis that we have today, was made …

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The Church of Snežna Gospa

The Catholics church in Žabalj was built in 1824. in honor to Virgin Mary. Even though the building of this church was proposed in report made by Archduke Ludvig in 1808. Mihajlo Cupor consecrated this church in 1826. This church was burnt during the rebellion froa 1848 – 1849, but it was rebuilt afterwards. The …

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HISTORY The area of Žabalj municipality is being settled since younger stone age until now days. Evidences can be seen all over this location e. g. on high landings near old shore of river Tisa, Jegrička and Mala bara. One by another the remains of these settlements from neolith, bronze and iron age, necropolis of …

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First Branded Honey in Serbia

First branded honey in Serbia, The Homolje brand – The Homolje honey Municipal society of beekeepers in Žagubica, organized seminars covering the topic technology of producing the Homolje honey, for smaller and bigger interested groups. Seminar is educational and the attendant, who passes the test in the end, obtains the certificate. The seminars are organized …

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The Beljanica Mountain, it’ s highest peak 1336 meters ( 4050 ft ) above sea level is rich with ravines, a true oasis in the dry limestone area. Rečke, Busovata and Rečke of Žagubica possess a characteristic mild landscape with clear streams, light grass, and different kinds of forests. The Buk source is lokated at …

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The Spring Of Krupaja

The Spring of Krupaja, a magical symphony of water in intact nature, emerges on the west side of the Beljanica Mountain on 220 meters of height above sea level and represents one of the most interesting karst springs in Serbia. It is settled in the southeast part of the Valley of Krepoljin and Krupaja, in the …

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