
Salas Stremen

Salas Stremen is a unique place for all who enjoy domestic food and drink, and authentic ambience complement summer garden and the local ethnic music. During spring, sum­mer or au­tumn sunny day you can spend unfor­gettable mo­ments in the driving dou­bletree along the shore Sava. Peace that we offer gives you the opportuni­ty to enjoy …

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Fenek Monastery

The Fenek monastery belongs to the group Fruska Gora monastery, although spatially dislocated from the rest. It is dedi­cated to  the  holy martyrs Paraskevi. According to folk tra­dition the monastery was built in the second half of the fif teenth century and founded by Stephen and Angelina Brankovic. In the monastery there is a particle …

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Jakovo is located about 25 km southwest of Belgrade, 6 km from the Surčin and 4 km from the Sava River and has about 7500 inhabitants. The very name of the settlement, accord­ing to tradition, linked to the name of the cattle breeders of Jacob, who lived on the hill. Then there was no protective …

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Piazza Navona

When tired of strolling and shopping, stop in the Italian restaurant „Piazza Navona”. In the beautiful, romantic atmosphere with chord of Italian music, kindly staff will welcome you. You will feel the true atmosphere of Rome, enjoying the specialties of Italian cuisine, which is preparing for you, our ma­in chef Paola Sestili. This is the …

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Italian Mall

You do not have to go to Italy to feel the charm of shopping in Rome. Just to come in the Italian Mall in Surcin, Vojvodjanska  386d and enjoying a shopping walk shopping center that looks like a small Italian town. Within the center is Pi­azza ROMA outlet with fa­mous   brands: Blu Byblos, Rocco barocco, …

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Aviation museum

Setting Museum offers visitors the opportunity to walk in one place througho­ut the century aviation, illustrated with exhibits from the pioneering period to mo­dern times. It was founded 1957 year. The number and value of the exhibits, the museum is classified in the ten leading institutions of its kind in the world. The museum keeps …

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Municipality Surčin

Lulled into a plain of Srem, bordered by the Sava River about 15 km northwest from the heart of Belgrade, is the youngest Belgrade municipality, Municipality Surčin. Encompasses an area of 220 km2 and is made up of seven villages: Surčin, Dobanovci, Jakovo, Boljevci, Becmen, Petrovcic and Progar with around 55.000 inhabitants. The fact that …

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Sports center 11. april

Sports hall: basketball, indoor soccer. Table – tennis hall, bowling alley with 4 lanes, 15 and 25 m rifle ranges, gym.  Indoor swimming pool. Outdoor swimming pools: Olympic size swimming pool, children’ s and nonswim – mers swimming pool. Three outdoor tennis courts.