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Jakovo is located about 25 km southwest of Belgrade, 6 km from the Surčin and 4 km from the Sava River and has about 7500 inhabitants.
The very name of the settlement, accord­ing to tradition, linked to the name of the cattle breeders of Jacob, who lived on the hill.

Then there was no protective embankments, and the Sava flood­ed space.
During the summer, when the water retreated, to shep­herd Jacob would come from surrounding villages and said „ go to Jacob. ”

Genesis settlements linked to the monastery Fenek, and the first written record in the writings of the early fifteenth century.

Jakovo can be reached by bus lines 610, which moves from the Kej Oslobodjenja and 605, which start from the Ledine.

Village Feast is Paraskevi ( 8. august ).

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