Resava Cave

The natural monument Resava Cave is the most beautiful speleological attraction in Serbia, renowned for its richness and variety of crystal formations.

Resava Cave is the first cave in Serbia to be prepared for massive numbers of tourists and represents a symbol of cave tourism

Resava Cave is located in Babina Glava Hills at the side of Karst Meadow Divljakovac, 485 meters above sea – level.

Discovered in 1962, it was opened for visitors on April 22nd 1972.

Its has a cleared entrance of 4, 5 kilometers and an 800 meters tourist path.

Resava Cave is one of the oldest caves – over 45 million years old, air temperature inside is constantly + 7C, and hummidity varies from 80 to 100%.

Resava Cave has the richest cave ornaments in Serbia.

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